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5. ProDOS 8 system programs

ProDOS 8 system programs are always loaded to the start address $2000. For cc65 programs this means that the 6 KB from $800 to $2000 are by default unused. There are however several options to make use of that memory range.


The easiest (and for really large programs in fact the only) way to have a cc65 program use the memory from $800 to $2000 is to link it as binary (as opposed to system) program using the linker configuration apple2enh-loader.cfg with start address $800 and load it with LOADER.SYSTEM - an Apple ][ ProDOS 8 loader for cc65 programs. The program then works like a system program (i.e. quits to the ProDOS dispatcher).

Using LOADER.SYSTEM is as simple as copying it to the ProDOS 8 directory of the program to load under name <program>.SYSTEM as a system program. For example the program MYPROG is loaded by MYPROG.SYSTEM.

5.2 Heap

If the cc65 program can be successully linked as system program using the linker configuration apple2enh-system.cfg but uses the heap either explicitly or implicitly (i.e. by loading a driver) then the memory from $800 to $2000 can be added to the heap by calling _heapadd ((void *) 0x0800, 0x1800); at the beginning of main().

5.3 ProDOS 8 I/O buffers

ProDOS 8 requires for every open file a page-aligned 1 KB I/O buffer. By default these buffers are allocated by the cc65 runtime system on the heap using posix_memalign(). While this is generally the best solution it means quite some overhead for (especially rather small) cc65 programs which do open files but don't make use of the heap otherwise.

The apple2enh package comes with the alternative ProDOS 8 I/O buffer allocation module apple2enh-iobuf-0800.o which uses the memory between $800 and the program start address for the 1 KB I/O buffers. For system programs (with start address $2000) this results in up to 6 I/O buffers and thus up to 6 concurrently open files.

While using _heapadd() as described in the section above together with the default I/O buffer allocation basically yields the same placement of I/O buffers in memory the primary benefit of apple2enh-iobuf-0800.o is a reduction in code size - and thus program file size - of more than 1400 bytes.

Using apple2enh-iobuf-0800.o is as simple as placing it on the linker command line like this:

cl65 -t apple2enh -C apple2enh-system.cfg myprog.c apple2enh-iobuf-0800.o

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