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3. Input and output

The compiler will accept one C file per invocation and create a file with the same base name, but with the extension replaced by ".s". The output file contains assembler code suitable for the use with the ca65 macro assembler.

Include files in single quotes are searched in the following places:

  1. The current directory.
  2. The value of the environment variable CC65_INC if it is defined.
  3. Any directory added with the -I option on the command line.

Include files in angle brackets are searched in the following places:

  1. A compiled in directory which is often /usr/lib/cc65/include on Linux systems.
  2. The value of the environment variable CC65_INC if it is defined.
  3. A subdirectory named include of the directory defined in the environment variable CC65_HOME, if it is defined.
  4. Any directory added with the -I option on the command line.

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