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2. Usage

2.1 Command line option overview

The assembler accepts the following options:

Usage: da65 [options] [inputfile]
Short options:
  -g                    Add debug info to object file
  -h                    Help (this text)
  -i name               Specify an info file
  -o name               Name the output file
  -v                    Increase verbosity
  -F                    Add formfeeds to the output
  -S addr               Set the start/load address
  -V                    Print the disassembler version

Long options:
  --argument-column n   Specify argument start column
  --comment-column n    Specify comment start column
  --comments n          Set the comment level for the output
  --cpu type            Set cpu type
  --debug-info          Add debug info to object file
  --formfeeds           Add formfeeds to the output
  --help                Help (this text)
  --hexoffs             Use hexadecimal label offsets
  --info name           Specify an info file
  --label-break n       Add newline if label exceeds length n
  --mnemonic-column n   Specify mnemonic start column
  --pagelength n        Set the page length for the listing
  --start-addr addr     Set the start/load address
  --text-column n       Specify text start column
  --verbose             Increase verbosity
  --version             Print the disassembler version

2.2 Command line options in detail

Here is a description of all the command line options:

--argument-column n

Specifies the column where the argument for a mnemonic or pseudo instruction starts.

--comment-column n

Specifies the column where the comment for an instruction starts.

--comments n

Set the comment level for the output. Valid arguments are 0..4. Greater values will increase the level of additional information written to the output file in form of comments.

--cpu type

Set the CPU type. The option takes a parameter, which may be one of

6502, 6502x, 65sc02, 65c02, huc6280

6502x is the NMOS 6502 with illegal opcodes. huc6280 is the CPU of the PC engine. Support for the 65816 is currently not available.

-F, --formfeeds

Add formfeeds to the generated output. This feature is useful together with the --pagelength option. If --formfeeds is given, a formfeed is added to the output after each page.

-g, --debug-info

This option adds the .DEBUGINFO command to the output file, so the assembler will generate debug information when reassembling the generated output.

-h, --help

Print the short option summary shown above.


Output label offsets in hexadecimal instead of decimal notation.

-i name, --info name

Specify an info file. The info file contains global options that may override or replace command line options plus informations about the code that has to be disassembled. See the separate section Info File Format.

-o name

Specify a name for an output file. The default is to use stdout, so without this switch or the corresponding global option OUTPUTNAME, the output will go to the terminal.

--label-break n

Adds a newline if the length of a label exceeds the given length. Note: If the label would run into the code in the mid column, a linefeed is always inserted regardless of this setting.

This option overrides the global option LABELBREAK.

--mnemonic-column n

Specifies the column where a mnemonic or pseudo instrcuction is output.

--pagelength n

Sets the length of a listing page in lines. After this number of lines, a new page header is generated. If the --formfeeds is also given, a formfeed is inserted before generating the page header.

A value of zero for the page length will disable paging of the output.

-S addr, --start-addr addr

Specify the start/load address of the binary code that is going to be disassembled. The given address is interpreted as an octal value if preceded with a '0' digit, as a hexadecimal value if preceded with '0x', '0X', or '$', and as a decimal value in all other cases. If no start address is specified, $10000 minus the size of the input file is used.

--text-column n

Specifies the column where additional text is output. This additional text consists of the bytes encoded in this line in text representation.

-v, --verbose

Increase the disassembler verbosity. Usually only needed for debugging purposes. You may use this option more than one time for even more verbose output.

-V, --version

Print the version number of the assembler. If you send any suggestions or bugfixes, please include the version number.

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